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How to improve page ranking in 30 minutes

By Jonny Holden

Published February 6, 2024

Updated February 17, 2024

Joshua Hardwick, Head of Content @ahrefs, asked his followers what they would do in 30 minutes to improve page ranking. Here's what they said...

Content Improvement

  • Add fresh and engaging content to better align with user intent
  • Emphasize the importance of intent to the audience
  • Create internal links to well-ranking pages
  • Consider link exchanges within your network or through competitor backlink profiles
  • Note that cold outreach for backlinks may be uncomfortable

Featured Snippets and Text Optimization

  • Optimize a key paragraph for featured snippets
  • Ensure the text aligns with style guides

Data Source Embedding

  • Connect to an API to embed a frequently refreshing data source for constant site freshness