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SEO tips from Twitter gurus

By Jonny Holden

Published April 4, 2024

John Rush's "Low hanging fruit"

The lowest-hanging SEO fruit I do in 5 min which always works.

  1. Go to
  2. Open "Performance" page
  3. Sort the "Queries" tab by "Impressions"
  4. In the top 20, find top 5 queries with "CTR" < 50%
  5. Insert them to your home page hero, h1 and h2 & meta tags

Ayush's "Sweet, sweet SEO"

Keyword and article using Lowfruits and Keywords Everywhere

  • 3 hours of research to find 1 high intent keyword
  • 4 days to write and publish an article to target it
  • 2 weeks to start ranking
  • And now, 8 weeks later this article gets 200 clicks per day.High intent audience ready to buy
  • Slow is smooth, smooth is fast!

Dymtro Krason "Stop Researching"

Stop researching keywords and complicating SEO. Keyword research tools don't show real volume and all available keywords anyway.


  1. Quickly write a post and wait till it is indexed by Google.
  2. Open Google Search Console and check keywords associated with the page.
  3. Rewrite the post to incorporate the real keywords and if possible to satisfy the real intent behind the keywords. Don't forget to update the published date.
  4. Submit the updated post to Google for indexing.
  5. I have never seen that the traffic doesn't grow faster.

Repeat that periodically. You don't need more content, you need to review and update your current content more.

Bonus: no need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive tools and agencies.